Monday, December 16, 2019

The Effects Of Cell Phones On Children - 1314 Words

In this day of age it is common place to hear of children as young as 6 having cell phones. But what if that were to be changed, what if a minimum age requirement was to be placed on the use of cell phones. There are age requirement placed on many things already such as being able to sit in the front seat of the car, smoking, and drinking. These age requirement are placed on these because of safety reason and because people under the age many not be mature enough to handle them. With all of these kids texting inappropriate materials, bullying each other through text and not yet fully developing proper communication skills couldn’t we argue that it s not safe and that these kids are perhaps not yet mature enough to contain that much responsibility to use this technology properly and safety in their hands to small for their phone. Every years cell phones are being placed into the hands of kids at younger and younger ages, but at what point are kids to young to have a phones, wh en they don’t physically have the strength to hold the ever growing phones. The average age that parent are giving their kids phones are around 10 years old. Is it really a good idea for kids this young to have access to something with so much power, are they responsible enough not to abuse it. You can find information on almost anything, and what if they find something that they are still too young to know about or they are better off learning from their parents. Even though most phones come withShow MoreRelatedCell Phones And Its Effect On Children Essay983 Words   |  4 PagesTeenagers are constantly on their cell phone, which leads to extreme overuse of it. In an acknowledgeable book, Ling (2004) described how teenagers use cell phones and the direct effects of having one. 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With this increased amount of cell phones among children, one must wonderRead MoreCell Phones And Their Effects On Children879 Words   |  4 Pagesover our society, they have taken children away from their parents and turned them into drones. These horrible devices are cell phones. The worst part though is when children lose these devices we expect they perhaps will do something healthy or active, but honestly they merely devote themselves to reuniting with their phones. Teenagers won’t sleep until they have it back their hands. I would understand after all, I am one of those teenagers consumed by my phone. Once, I misplaced it, and spentRead MoreThe Effects Of Cell Phones On Children s Declining Interpersonal Skills Essay889 Words   |  4 PagesAnother negative effect caused by cell phones is people’s declining interpersonal skills. In Is Social Media Destroying Teen’s Interpersonal Skills? 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Many parents understandRead MoreCell Phones Effect Our Lives977 Words   |  4 PagesHow Cell Phones Effect our Everyday Lives Once upon a time, cell phones did not exist. If you wanted to make a call you had to use a home phone or a pay phone, but cell phones are now common place in our everyday lives. Almost everyone has one, even children in elementary school have cell phones. So how does having such easy access to a cell phone effect our everyday lives? The positive effects of cell phones are easy to see, as cell phones can be convenient and used as a life line in an emergencyRead MoreEffects Of Cell Phones1159 Words   |  5 PagesAre Cell Phones Destroying a Generation? The onset of cell phones has had a great impact in the modern society, and especially the millennials or the teens, and as such it has led to the destruction of a generation. It is apparent that what researchers call the iGen, people born between the year 1995 and the year 2012, depend greatly on their cell phones and their well-being majorly depends on their cell phones (Twenge 188). Researchers also prove that the iGen value their cell phones more thatRead MoreAre Cell Phones Truly Safe? Essay1154 Words   |  5 PagesIn today’s society, the most popular electronic device is cell phones. From the 1940’s to 2011, cell phones have come a long way, from its capability to help individuals to keep in touch with friends and loved ones from near and far. Now and days we use them to text, im (instant message) a person, browse the internet, take pictures, email, and even transfer data. It’s amazing how far we have gotten with a device as such, fulfilling majority o f our everyday needs. But can it also be putting user’sRead MoreMobile Phone and Cell Phones History772 Words   |  4 PagesA. Attention Getter:   Cell phones are very useful and handy but can also be very dangerous. It can Distract you from your studies, distance you from loved ones and/or endanger themselves. B. Reason to listen:   tonight I’m going to tell you the reason people are on their cell phones so much. D. Credibility Statement: 1. Cell phones are intriguing to me because I myself am very distracted from them. 2. I have done much research on this topic.    E. Preview of Main Points: 1. First, I willRead MoreAffordable Mobile Phones816 Words   |  4 PagesAdvantages of Mobile Phones While advantages of mobile phones are self evident, their disadvantages also need to be given some thought. Here is some information about cell phone usage merits and demerits. There are various advantages of mobile phones. The growth of cell phone usage has increased drastically since the last decade, and it is estimated that mobile phones will cross 5 billion in 2010. With their number increasing at a tremendous rate and with the threat of cell phone addiction , there

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