Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Welfare state Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Welfare state - Research Paper Example This essay discusses that If evidence shows that high numbers of individuals leave the welfare system within a period of fewer than 6 months, it would greatly validate my claim that individuals do not feed on the welfare system and resist coming off of it.   In addition, it would be important to find qualitative information from welfare recipients that explain the reasoning for them entering into receiving welfare as well as their reason for coming off of it.   One struggle with this qualitative examination is the emotional struggles endured that cause member of society to enter into welfare or to remove them from receiving welfare benefits.   Such emotional struggles can be attributed to psychosocial, environmental and familial shame as previously mentioned.    It is my wish to find evidence that will support or refute my original claim that welfare programs, specifically those of food stamps and unemployment benefits, are beneficial for society as a whole and help individua ls re-enter society’s workforce while coping with unfortunate circumstances.   Likewise, I seek to find information to support to refute my claim that individuals do not wish to stay on welfare benefits and will work hard to come off of them because of psychosocial, environmental and familial shame that is associated with being on welfare.   Historical evidence will be drawn to help understand the origination of the welfare system and previous empirical data will help to analyze the trends associated with individuals that have received welfare benefits.   Ã‚  

Monday, February 3, 2020

Role of Allied Professional Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Role of Allied Professional - Essay Example However, the pharmacist may refuse to honor such prescription, if in his or her own judgment as a professional pharmacist find that, honoring such prescription may result to total violation of the law. Secondly, the pharmacist may refuse to honor Doctor’s prescription if the drugs prescribed may jeopardize the life of a patient by creating an addiction. In addition, the pharmacist may refuse to honor such prescription if it violates the interest of a patient. Further, the pharmacist has a professional duty of exercising professional duty in ensuring the best interest of patient’s health. Pharmacist also a responsibility of providing counseling guidance to patients on the risk associated with the drug if it is not properly utilized (Buerki & Vottero, 2002). Based on this case it can be observed that the pharmacist observed some of those responsibilities as required by the law. For example, when the Plaintiff/ patient (Patrick McLaughlin) delivered the prescription from Doctor Edwards, the pharmacist (Kathy ODell and Craig Merrick) honored the prescription as ordered by the Doctor. However, he failed to exercise his responsibility by supplying more drugs to McLaughlin despite the fact that the records indicated that McLaughlin had consumed more propoxyphene drugs than required. Further, he failed to caution the patient of the health risk that could result if he consumes an overdose (Legal Inc, 2013). I agree with the court findings in favor of Hooks because, Hooks was not a direct causation of the injuries sustained by Patrick McLaughlin. In addition, Hooks was not attributed to McLaughlin attempts to commit suicide. Secondly, the pharmacists were within their line of professional duty by observing the prescription recommended by the Doctor. In addition, the case was decided based on the principle of Stare decisis. Whereby, the same precedent used in the previous cases was followed. For example, the ruling for this case made based